Ahrash Bissell
The NROC Project
I am the EdReady Project Manager for the Monterey Institute for Technology and Education (MITE), also known as the NROC Project, as well as a consultant or board member on innovation in education and science for several projects and foundations. My current and prior work encompasses educational research and technology, with special focus on science and math (STEM) disciplines, open educational resources (OER), annotation, and data-sharing.
Twitter: @ahrashb
Al Whaley
Interested in the knowledge angle to annotation.
Alexander Garcia
organizer of Sepublica (an ESWC workshop) since 2012, 2010 elsevier grand challnege semi finalist, responsable for the RDF for full text open articles from PMC (biotea project). Researcher, semantic web, social web, bioinformatics, scholarly communication, open science
Twitter: @alexgarciac
Amy Brand
Digital Science
Amy Brand joined Digital Science in 2014 as VP Academic and Research Relations and VP North America to manage our US office and develop commercial, policy, and research relationships with North American research institutions. From 2008 to 2013, Brand worked at Harvard University, first as Program Manager of the Office for Scholarly Communication and then as Assistant Provost for Faculty Appointments and Information. Before moving to Harvard, she held long-term positions as an Executive Editor at the MIT Press and as Director of Business and Product Development at CrossRef. Brand was a founding member of the ORCID Board of Directors and regularly serves in advisory roles for key community initiatives in digital scholarship. She holds a B.A. in linguistics from Barnard College and a PhD in cognitive science from MIT.
Andre Kuzniarek
Wolfram Research
A Wolfram Research veteran, focusing on document production workflows, authoring tools, and web dev.
Andrew Magliozzi
FinalsClub Foundation
Anna Gerber
The University of Queensland
Anna Gerber works on Software Engineering projects at the eResearch Group at The University of Queensland Australia.
Twitter: @AnnaGerber
Ari Bader-Natal
Minerva Project
Ari Bader-Natal is the Principal Learning Architect at the Minerva Project (minervaproject.com), where he designs and develops the learning technologies that connect and support Minerva's global network of students and faculty.
Twitter: @aribadernatal
Ayori Selassie
Love finding wisdom in words, symbols, imagery, want to better use it to benefit sustainable life through AI, Wearables, and other technology.
Twitter: @iayori
Bailey Smith
Pop Up Archive
Barbara Tien
Startup stripes earned at Farallon, @Netopia and @Zhone Technologies. It all started @Stanford.
Twitter: @barbaratien
Ben Hanowell
Sound Cheks
Ben is a social scientist and entrepreneur building a sophisticated tool to comparatively judge public figures based on fact checkers' annotations of the statements they make.
Twitter: @BrashEQLibrium
Benjamin Albritton
Stanford University Libraries
Benjamin Goering
I run R&D at Livefyre, a real-time commenting system and social CMS.
Twitter: @bengo
Bill Hunt
OpenGov Foundation
Bob Glushko
University of California, Berkeley
I have worked in publishing for over 30 years, just wrote an ebook and taught a course on ebooks, and am thinking a lot about multidisciplinary collaboration by authors, instructors, and students.
Twitter: @rjglushko
Bob Stein
Bob is founder and Co-Director of the Institute for the Future of the Book and founder of The Voyager Company. For 13 years he led the development of over 300 titles in 'The Criterion Collection', a series of definitive films on videodisc, and more than 75 CD ROM titles including the CD Companion to Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, 'Who Built America', and the Voyager edition of 'Macbeth'. Previous to Voyager, Stein worked with Alan Kay in the Research Group at Atari on a variety of electronic publishing projects. 11 years ago, Stein started 'Night Kitchen' to develop authoring tools for the next generation of electronic publishing. That work is now being continued at the Institute for the Future of the Book.
Twitter: @synch101
Brewster Kahle
Internet Archive
Brian Johnsrud
Stanford University
PhD Candidate and Project Manager for Lacuna Stories
Bridget Whearty
Stanford University
Bridget Whearty is a CLIR Postdoctoral Fellow in Data Curation for Medieval Studies at Stanford University. She has her PhD in English Literature. At Stanford, she’s building an interoperable index of thousands of digitized medieval manuscripts and is interested in annotation to link scholarly commentary, transcriptions, and student projects to the primary, digitized objects. She also runs a medieval manuscript club where interested students annotate, transcribe, and identify never-before-studied medieval texts.
Twitter: @BridgetWhearty
Camille Villa
UC Berkeley
Charles Connell
FinalsClub Foundation
Python + Java developer. Hadoop specialist. I also do web stuff.
Chris Birk
The OpenGov Foundation
Chris Catterton
Substance: Networked Online Discussion
My background is as a propagandist in the worlds of politics and debate. Now I'm designing a platform for online discussion that helps people see through propaganda and curate our collective knowledge. Currently looking for advisors and potential cofounders.
Twitter: @catterton
Chris Chapman
Chris Chapman is a co-founder of Pentandra Research Solutions, a social entrepreneurship, building and supporting domain-specific open research systems, focusing first on genealogy and micro-history.
Twitter: @cd_chapman
Chris Reeve
independent annotation entrepreneur
I've spent the past 8 years studying a group of outsider theorists who are attempting to challenge textbook theories in astrophysics and cosmology. My conclusion is that annotations will be critical to supporting outsider experts who are determined to expose dogma within our institutions.
Twitter: @none
Christian Kleinferchner
Smart Annotations
Working on personal annotation solutions
Christopher J. Mackie
I am Executive Director of CollaborationSource: we facilitate sustainable, large-scale, collaborative solutions to public-sector social challenges in fields including education. Currently, we are working to help launch the Mindspring Initiative, a multi-state, collaborative solution at-scale to the challenges of sustaining open educational resources across-the-curriculum in higher education. (Ask me about the importance of open annotation for OER.) My involvement with Open Annotation began several years ago, when I was a program officer at The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Twitter: @cjmackie
Clifford Lynch
Coalition for Networked Info.
Clifford Lynch has led the Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) since 1997. CNI, jointly sponsored by the Association of Research Libraries and EDUCAUSE, includes about 200 member organizations concerned with the intelligent uses of information technology and networked information to enhance scholarship and intellectual life. CNI's wide-ranging agenda includes work in digital preservation, data intensive scholarship, teaching, learning and technology, and infrastructure and standards development. Prior to joining CNI, Lynch spent 18 years at the University of California Office of the President, the last 10 as Director of Library Automation. Lynch, who holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of California, Berkeley, is an adjunct professor at Berkeley's School of Information.
Dan Gillmor
Arizona State University
I write a lot about the intersection of technology and media, which makes this a topic of major interest. More about me: http://dangillmor.com/about
Twitter: @dangillmor
Dan Whaley
Dan is a coder and entrepreneur that created the first online travel reservation company on the web (ITN/GetThere) in 1995. He wrote much of the software, launched the business and guided the long term technical and product vision. GetThere went public in 1999 and was sold to Sabre in 2000 with nearly 600 employees while processing approximately 50% of travel transacted online. Dan currently serves as a director of Sauce Labs, the leading open source functional testing company and Getaround, a peer-to-peer car sharing company.
Twitter: @dwhly
Daniel Cebrián Robles
Harvard University and Malaga University
(D). Daniel Cebrián Robles, University of Málaga. (Annotations project. edX. Harvard University). Developer of tools for annotations such as Open Video Annotator (openvideoannotation.org), Deep Zoom Image (http://danielcebrian.com/openseadragon/demo.html). In addition, most of the tools of https://gteavirtual.org such as rubric evaluation by competencies Industrial Engineer, doing the thesis in marine energy, Master's degree in renewable energy, Fuel cells and hydrogen (UIMP), Master in new technologies applied to education, doctoral studies in design and usability of web tools in the Ph.d. (educational research and innovation). It is Gtea member and developer of federated for teaching tools such as Erubrica, WebQuest, and the Multimedia annotations tool, the latter integrated edX MOOC platform, for which earned a scholarship Talentia for a stay of Research Fellow at Harvard University 2013. http://danielcebrian.com
Daniel Towns
Stanford University
I'm a researcher in the digital humanities focusing on transportation, advertising, the environment, and geographic data.
Twitter: @mrdannytowns
David H. Mason
Concordia University / dataparc communications corp
Wrote my "annotate for the web" thing around 1995. Developing an open source annotation system focused on group workflow.
Twitter: @nostriluu
David Streitfeld
NY Times
David Streitfeld joined The New York Times in December 2007 and writes about technology for the business desk. He came to The Times after lengthy stints at The Los Angeles Times, where he covered residential real estate, and The Washington Post, where he wrote about the literary scene. He is based in San Francisco.
Twitter: @DavidStreitfeld
Dor Garbash
Phd candidate at CRI-Paris
Twitter: @garbash
Doug Schepers
I help develop web standards, and help give developers and designers a voice, too.
Twitter: @shepazu
Eiríkur Hallgrímsson
Electric Brain (rafknúið heili, 电脑)
I'm a broad-spectrum intellectual generalist with a deep background in computing. I want to see computing increase human potential and help us solve the hard problems--most of which are hard because they are social and psychological in nature. Philosopher with a Psych. background. Did 20 years at DEC, culminatiing in being the DEC manager of the Apple/DEC alliance. Rebuilt the Open Source engineering collaboration environment at Motorola to support the corporate split. My electronic music studio has mostly moved inside the computer. I write fiction and I comment on life at http://eir1kur.blogspot.com/
Twitter: @31r1kur Not usually active.
Emily Schneider
Stanford University
Hyperlearning advocate. Studying learning sciences + technology design. Passionate about distributed and collective intelligence, open-access learning resources, human-centred design for note-taking and knowledge construction.
Twitter: @elfschneider
Emmanuel M Vincent
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Researcher at MIT on hurricanes-climate interactions. Fellow of the Climate CoLab, where people from all over the world create proposals for what to do about climate change.
Twitter: @manunymous
Eric Weisstein
Wolfram|Alpha LLC
Weisstein received his Ph.D. from Caltech in 1996 and joined Wolfram Research in 1999. He is best known as the creator of mathworld.wolfram.com. An expert Mathematica user since the 1990s, Weisstein has not only used Mathematica to develop content for MathWorld and Wolfram|Alpha, but continues to work closely with the main development teams at Wolfram Research. Weisstein led Wolfram Research's contributions on National Science Digital Library and Sloan Foundation-sponsored projects involving online mathematics, acted as consultant for the television program NUMB3RS, and served as judge for the finals of the Siemanns Competition in Math, Science, and Technology.
Fernando Perez
UC Berkeley
Physicist, applied mathematician, scientific Python hacker, IPython creator. Scientist at UC Berkeley, climber when I can get away from the computer.
Twitter: @fperez_org
Frederick Hirsch
Frederick Hirsch has been active in web related research and standardization for a number of years in a variety of standards organizations. He was active on a web annotation project at OSF in 1998, in addition to creating other tools such as one to enable graphical browsing history management. He is active in security and privacy and chairs the W3C XML Security Working Group, which recently completed final signature and encryption standards. He is currently chairing the W3C Device APIs working group, and participates in the W3C digital publishing interest group and privacy interest groups. He is a member of the OASIS Board of Directors and is interested in innovation from both business and technology perspectives.
Twitter: @fjhirsch
Gerardo Capiel
Benetech is a nonprofit software organization that among other products develops products for empowering people with disabilities to have equal access to educational content.
Twitter: @gcapiel
Gergely Ujvari
Gergely graduated with summa cum laude in computer science. He previously worked on an argument mapping-based startup with a friend. Currently he is working as a developer for Hypothes.is. He is determined to build powerful software tools that improve our understanding and decision-making.
Graham Nott
Graham works with eLife as a contract developer. His role is working on special projects, primarily on infrastructure and workflows, using technology to enhance scientific publishing. Recently this included implementation support for eLife Lens. Graham builds on fifteen years professional IT experience.
Twitter: @Graham_Nott
Gregg Gordon
Gordon helped SSRN Chairman Michael Jensen found SSRN in 1994. SSRN is currently the number one repository in the world and focused on the high quality, rapid, electronic dissemination of social sciences and humanities research at the lowest possible cost. Its eLibrary database has 475,000 papers from 220,000 authors and users have downloaded 65,000,000 full text papers since inception. Prior to SSRN, he focused on start-ups, spin-offs and nascent companies at at KPMG and restructured/started entrepreneurial companies in technology and health care.
Twitter: @SSRN
Gregg Kellogg
Kellogg Associates
I work on Linked Data projects, related standards and open source software in Ruby
Twitter: @gkellogg
Herbert Van De Sompel
Los Alamos National Laboratory
In the past 15 years, I have been involved in several information interoperability efforts, mainly in the domain of scholarly communication. These include OAI-PMH, OpenURL, OAI-ORE, Open Annotation, ResourceSync, Memento, Hiberlink
Twitter: @hvdsomp
Ilan Zechory
Rap Genius
Founder of Rap Genius, former TV writer and hypnotherapist, lover of literary history and psychological literature
Twitter: @rapgenius
Ivan Herman
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
I graduated as mathematician in Budapest, Hungary. I joined a Hungarian research institute in computer science; I left Hungary in 1986; after a few years in industry in Munich, Germany, I joined the Centre for Mathematics and Computer Sciences in Amsterdam where I have a tenure position since 1988. I joined the W3C Team as Head of W3C Offices in 2001 while maintaining my position at CWI. I served until June 2006, then as Semantic Web Activity Lead until December 2013. Since June of 2013, I am Digital Publishing Activity Lead. See http://www.ivan-herman.net/professional for further details.
Twitter: @ivan_herman
Jack Park
TopicQuests Foundation
Worked on SRI's CALO, develop topic maps and knowledge garden platforms
Twitter: @gardenfelder
Jake Hartnell
Hypothes.is / UC Berkeley
Jake Hartnell is a web developer whose work at Berkeley's School of Information has revolved around the future of publishing, the economics of digital distribution, and annotation. He currently works for Hypothes.is, but also is a key contributor to Epub.js—an open source library for rendering epubs in the browser. His debut novel 23rd Century Romance is sure to become a sci-fi classic, and has been described as "The paranormal romance novel to end all paranormal romance novels." He also part of the band Unconscious Jungle and has been working on a massive double album for the past three years, finally due out summer 2014.
Twitter: @JakeHartnell
Jamie Folsom
Developer at MIT's Digital Humanities Lab, Hyperstudio.
Twitter: @jamiefolsom
Jem Rayfield
Financial Times
Twitter: @jemrayfield
Jennifer Lin
Jennifer Lin is a Senior Product Manager about PLOS and passionate about open access and its political and social impacts. As a former business consultant with Accenture, she worked with Fortune 500 companies as well as governments to develop and deploy new products and services. Jennifer received her PhD in political philosophy and has served as an instructor at Johns Hopkins University.
Twitter: @jennierlin15
Joakim Soderberg
My current work includes: Semantic indexing and linking Web of Data
John Kratz
California Digital Library
John Kratz is a CLIR/DLF Postdoctoral Fellow in Data Curation for the Sciences and Social Sciences in the University of California Curation Center at the California Digital Library. His work there focuses on data publication. Prior to that, he completed a Ph.D. at Columbia University focused on nematode behavior and neurobiology.
Twitter: @john_kratz
Juan Benet
Juan is obsessed with accelerating progress. He is a founder of Athena, a tech startup mapping all human knowledge. Athena is developing Acorn, a universal Media Remixer, which will help annotate all kinds of media. Juan studied computer science (distributed systems) at Stanford, and is a denizen of the internet.
Kristen Ratan
Kristen Fisher Ratan is the Publisher at the Public Library of Science (PLOS). She joined PLOS in the summer of 2011 in order to focus her efforts on innovations that transform scholarly communication. Kristen has a 20 year history in the information industry leading strategic product development at HighWire, Atypon, and BIOSIS.
Twitter: @kristenratan
Kristof Csillag
Kristof is a software engineer @ Hypothes.is, chiefly interested in building software tools that can help us think and act smarter.
Kurt Fendt
HyperStudio/Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Kurt Fendt is a scholar of literary and cultural studies with extensive expertise in the application of information technologies to humanities research and education. He is Principal Research Associate, Director of MIT’s HyperStudio - Lab for Digital Humanities, and co-PI of Annotation Studio, MIT's educational annotation web app. Kurt teaches digital humanities in the department of Comparative Media Studies/Writing and German film, media, and culture in the department of Global Studies and Languages at MIT. He is also Director of the annual European Short Film Festival at MIT.
Twitter: @fendt
Laura Paglione
Laura Paglione serves as Technical Director of ORCID, and led the ORCID Registry public launch in October 2012. Her responsibilities include technical direction of new features and improvements to the Registry and its API, ORCID’s open source code and community, technical infrastructure, and member and end-user support. She engages with the ORCID community through technical steering and working groups, and leads several webinars each year on topics such as use of the ORCID API, ORCID iDs in the publishing workflow, and the common integrations for ORCID iDs. Laura is a frequent speaker about ORCID, unique identifiers, and innovation.
Twitter: @lpaglione
Liam Andrew
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Liam is a graduate student in Comparative Media Studies, a research assistant in Hyperstudio, and a developer on Annotation Studio.
Twitter: @mailbackwards
Liberty Lidz
STEDT / University of California, Berkeley
Luis Duarte
Currently working on the annotation tool found in the EdX Platform.
Luke Breuer
I started with relational DB work, built a SQL query generator, added some web, switched to quadcopters (embedded, hardware, flying), and now I want to push the limits of human learning speed. :-)
Twitter: @labreuer
Manol Roujinov
Telebid Pro Ltd.
R&D team working on cloud based services. Senior software engineer - web, perl, hadoop, linux, bigdata.
Marguerite Avery
MIT Press
Searching for solutions to current challenges faced by non-profit scholarly publishers (primarily university presses) to meet the evolving digital needs of scholars and researchers (moving beyond the book-journal binary) while promoting access, attribution, and authority within publications.
Twitter: @iceskatingbears
Martin Fenner
Public Library of Science (PLOS)
Martin Fenner is the technical lead for the PLOS Article-Level Metrics project. Before taking this position in 2012 he worked as a medical oncologist at the Hannover Medical School Cancer Center in Germany.
Twitter: @mfenner
Michael Widner
Stanford University Libraries
I am in the employ of the Stanford University Libraries, where I work as the Academic Technology Specialist for the Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages (DLCL). My role is to work with faculty and their research assistants as a consultant, collaborator, and innovator in DLCL-based digital humanities and instructional technology projects. I also organize and present workshops and lectures on practices and theories in these realms.
Twitter: @mwidner
Min RK
UC Berkeley, IPython
Core developer of IPython, recent PhD in plasma physics simulation.
Twitter: @minrk
Mitar Milutinovic
I am a PhD CS student at UC Berkeley. My research interests are e-democracy, deliberative democracy, collective intelligence, trust networks, group decision support systems, collaboration tools, peer-to-peer and distributed systems, wireless mesh/community networks, organic/self-healing technologies. I currently work on PeerLibrary, a collaborative reading platform for academic literature.
Twitter: @mitar_m
Nathan Lisgo
Senior Developer at the eLife Sciences open access journal.
Twitter: @elife
Nettie Lagace
NISO - National Information Standards Organization
interested in following what is going on in the area of annotation, and participating where I can
Twitter: @abugseye
Nick Stenning
Open Knowledge Foundation
Paolo Ciccarese
Mass General Hospital / Harvard Medical School
I am interested in enabling personal and community-driven knowledge acquisition, curation and sharing. I have been working on scientific discourse representation in Alzheimers Disease research and I am currently exploring the use of Annotation of digital resources for supporting the knowledge creation process. Provenance is another important aspect in my work. I authored several ontologies including: SWAN (Semantic Web Applications in Neuromedicine ), PAV (Provenance, Authoring and Versioning) and Annotation Ontology). I am the architect of the Domeo Annotation tool. I am co-chair of the Open Annotation Community Group and co-editor of the Open Annotation Model.
Twitter: @paolociccarese
Paul Anderson
We provide an accessible online library for readers with print disabilities, with an emphasis on educational books. Our collection benefits from crowd sourced proofreading, image descriptions, and other metadata. Annotations could provide a standard and familiar mechanism for improving our content for everyone.
Paul Ivanov
UC Berkeley, IPython
ipython and matplotlib developer. cyclist. vim addict. ^[:wq
Peter Brantley
Peter is the Director of Scholarly Communications at the not-for-profit startup, Hypothes.is. Previously, Peter was the Director of the BookServer Project at the Internet Archive, where he developed new business models in distributing digital books, and fostered the publication, distribution, and access to digital content based on open formats and standards. He is also the convener of the Books in Browsers conference, a summit for software developers and UX designers creating new forms of storytelling. He is a contributing editor to Publishers Weekly, and previously served on the board of the International Digital Publishing Forum, the standards-setting body for digital books.
Twitter: @naypinya
Peter Mangiafico
Stanford University
Building an online archive of automotive history (starting with images) at http://revslib.stanford.edu. Annotations and other crowd-sourced metadata tools will be critical to making the archive useful.
Twitter: @peetucket
Philip Desenne
HarvardX, Harvard University
Phil is Instructional Technology Consultant for Annotation at HarvardX. His focus is on the design and development of innovative educational technologies to enhance and support research, teaching and learning at Harvard. He collaborates with clients and stakeholders across the university and other institutions, including faculty, teaching staff, students, and administrative personnel to strategize, analyze, prioritize, and engineer academic technology systems. His currently working on implementing an open multi media annotation framework for the EdX
Philip Neustrom
Philippe Aigrain
Sopinspace / co-ment
Dr. Aigrain has researched content processing and annotation of various media since 1983. He founded Sopinspace, the company behing co-ment, one of the major on-line annotation platform for texts (Web service / AGPL free software). Digital writing (essays, poetry, short fiction).
Twitter: @balaitous
Puneet Kishor
Creative Commons
help make the process and products of science open
Twitter: @punkish
Rachel Schnepper
MIT HyperStudio
Randall Leeds
Articipant. Developer at Hypothes.is.
Twitter: @tilgovi
Raquel Alegre
The University of Reading
Raquel works currently in the CHARMe FP7 project as a project engineer. She has several years of experience in developing software for Earth Observation and Remote Sensing related projects. She has studied a MSc in Computer Engineering in Spain and has further studies in Space Science and Technology.
Rob Sanderson
Stanford University
Rob is an information scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory, working in the Research Library on several aspects of scholarly communication. He is the senior editor for the Open Annotation Collaboration specification, and works on related efforts such as Memento (temporal based access to web resources) and Shared Canvas (distributed description of medieval manuscripts).
Twitter: @azaroth42
Robert Casties
Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Robert Casties develops Digital Humanities solutions as part of the IT-Group of the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science. He has been involved in many digital projects since the group's inception in 2002. Being both a scholar and a computer freak in one person he understands both sides and likes to create digital projects that benefit researchers, the general public and the technological state-of-the-art. Robert has a PhD in History and Philosophy of Science, a Diplom/Master in Physics, and has been programming computers for as long as he can think.
Twitter: @robertcasties
Rodrigo Ochigame
Investigating the intersection of critical theory and computing.
Ron Snyder

Ron is the Director of Advanced Technology at ITHAKA. The Advanced Technology group serves a dual purpose of helping Ithaka to better leverage the use of technology in current and future services and products, and to engage with the scholarly research community in technology-oriented collaborations. In this position he is responsible for the technical architecture and management of many of the projects undertaken by the AT group. He has a particular interest in information extraction and content discovery and was the architect of JSTOR’s Data for Research platform providing web-based discovery and analysis tools to the academic research community. Current projects include the development of JSTOR's 3rd generation search system and the build-out of a data warehouse and analytics platform for mining the many billions of usage events logged by the JSTOR system since its inception. Ron has over 25 years of experience in both technical and leadership roles with technology organizations, including significant hands-on work in building mission critical systems with the aerospace industry.Current areas of focus for the AT group include data mining the billions of usage events logged by the JSTOR system since its inception.
Twitter: @rdsnyderjr
Rush Cosgrove
Foundation for Critical Thinking
Sanjay Shroff
Sarah Bird
Aptivate | Open Contracting
I'm working on a standard for open contracting data along with tools to complement it. Hoping to learn from you all.
Twitter: @birdsarah
Sean Boisen
Logos Bible Software
At Logos, I lead the development of knowledge for reference, visualization, navigation, and integration across our digital library of 40k+ books. My other interests include semantic web technologies, information visualization, natural language processing, and behavioral design.
Twitter: @seanboisen
Sergey Parinov
Sergey Parinov is a deputy director at the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (CEMI RAS), Moscow. During the last decade he is building a virtual research environments for the Russian community of scientists by implementing CRIS-CERIF approaches and Open Science ideas. It includes a new public service for scientists to explicitly express their knowledge, opinions and hypotheses about scientific relationships that can exist between information objects of research data and information space. In 2009-2013 he was a member of the euroCRIS Board with responsibility for the DRIS/Best Practice Task Group.
Twitter: @sparinov
Sima Yazdani
Cisco Systems
Sr. Technology Leader, Cisco Services, Learning at Cisco IT, data and KM veteran, technology & product strategy, architecting social, mobile, analytical cloud and semantic based solutions, Interested in knowledge systems, information architecture , mapping, annotation, semantic and natural language processing technology
Twitter: @simayazdani
Simeon Warner
Cornell University Library
Simeon Warner is Director of the Repositories Group at Cornell University Library, and a director of ORCID. Current projects include Linked Data for Libraries (http://goo.gl/uBOz4), the Cornell University Library Archival Repository, the arXiv e-print archive (http://arxiv.org/), and Project Euclid (http://projecteuclid.org/). He was one of the developers of arXiv and his research interests include web information systems, interoperability, plagiarism detection, and open-access scholarly publishing. He has been actively involved with the Open Archives Initiative (OAI) since its inception and was one of the authors of the OAI-PMH, OAI-ORE, ResourceSync and IIIF specifications.
Twitter: @zimeon
Stephanie Skardal
End Point
Steph has experience in a broad range of web application development. She is an expert in client side technologies such as JavaScript (including jQuery and YUI), CSS, and XML; and server-side technologies such as Ruby on Rails, Perl, PHP, PostgreSQL, and MySQL. She has used her skills in commerce solutions, content management system development, and search engine optimization. Before she began web development, she completed her education with research in medical image analysis using C, C++, and Python.
Stephen Abrams
California Digital Library
Stephen Abrams is an associate director of the University of California Curation Center (UC3) at the California Digital Library (CDL), with responsibility for strategic planning, innovation, and technical oversight of UC3’s services, systems, and projects.
Steve Goldenberg
Founder & CEO at Interfolio. Building a global professional network in higher ed. We help scholars build remarkable careers and schools make their most important decisions about research & teaching.
Twitter: @stevegoldenberg
Sumeet Sandhu
Elementary IP LLC
Building a patent search tool for the 21st century - improved search, analysis and comprehension of patents via rich annotations and display.
Thomas Habing
University of Ilinois
Member of Open Annotation Collaboration. Digital Library Software Develop past 17 years.
Thomas Kluyver
UC Berkeley, IPython
After finishing a PhD in plant biology, I am now a full time developer on the IPython project.
Twitter: @takluyver
Thomas Richardson
Early product designer and communicator, still interested in how the Internet can help humankind. In no particular order: Designer for world's first travel reservations engine and other useful things; Director of Web Communication, Cornell University; Winner 5k Award, 2000; consultant to Exploratorium.edu.
Twitter: @anticonsultant
Tim Cole
University of Illinois at UC
Member of the University of Illinois faculty (Library and Library School) since 1990, participant in the Open Annotation Collaboration since 2008 and the W3C Open Annotation Community Group since its founding.
Tim McCormick
I’m a designer, product developer, consultant, and writer in Palo Alto, California, working on early-stage new-media and urban design projects. Formerly: research consultant at Stanford Media X; co-founder, Open Library of Humanities; Stanford HighWire Press; OCLC Online Computer Library Center; Openly Informatics.
Twitter: @tmccormick
Todd Carpenter
Todd is Executive Director of NISO, an accredited standards developer of best practices related to publishing, libraries and information systems.
Twitter: @TAC_NISO
Todd Carter
Tagasauris, Inc.
Todd Carter is the CEO and Co-founder of Tagasauris a human assisted computing platform that is solving the needle in the haystack problem for networked audio-visual content.
Twitter: @tagasauris
Tom Cramer
Stanford University
Protagonist in IIIF, Hydra, Blacklight, Fedora 4 and Digital Manuscripts Interoperability. Seeking lightweight annotation tools for LAMs that plugin to any and all of the above.
Twitter: @tcramer
Toma Bedolla
My experiences are as broad as my life has allowed, moving from one adventure to the next. I've served as Chief Technology Officer for Jason's Deli, studied physics at the Colorado School of Mines, climbed unnamed peaks in the Kunlun mountain range north of Tibet, played collegiate baseball and caddied full time on the PGA Tour. I strive to live my life to the fullest and to make the most of the opportunities as they have presented themselves. I aim to help others do the same and realize the potential that is in all of us.
Twitter: @toma_bedolla
V David Zvenyach
DC Council
William Gunn
PhD in Molecular Biology, works on altmetrics at Mendeley. and Co-directs the Reproducibility Initiative. Want to use annotation to enrich and interlink academic literature.
Twitter: @mrgunn