I Annotate 2021
the conference for open annotation practices and technologies
Keynote: #AnnoConvo: A Conversation about Annotation, Literacy, and Learning
12–1pm ET, Thursday 24 June 2021
Antero Garcia and Remi Kalir will discuss their recently published book Annotation (MIT Press) and the literary, scholarly, civic, and everyday significance of annotation across historical and contemporary contexts. Their conversation will focus on social annotation contributing to learners' digital and civic literacies, how annotation enables creative and critical learning, as well as implications for teacher education and professional learning.
Antero Garcia, Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Education, Stanford University: Antero Garcia (he/him/ @anterobot) researches how technology and gaming shape learning, literacy practices, and civic identities. He has authored and edited Good Reception: Teens, Teachers, and Mobile Media in a Los Angeles High School; Doing Youth Participatory Action Research (with Nicole Mirra and Ernest Morrell); Pose, Wobble, Flow: A Culturally Proactive Approach to Literacy Instruction (with Cindy O'Donnell-Allen); and Annotation (with Remi Kalir).
Remi Kalir, Assistant Professor, School of Education and Human Development, University of Colorado Denver: Remi Kalir (he/him @remikalir) studies how social annotation enables collaborative, open, and equitable learning. He is the 2020-21 Scholar in Residence at Hypothesis, is a co-founder and facilitator of the Marginal Syllabus, and was a middle school educator in New York City. He is the author of Annotation (with Antero Garcia), and received his Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Session Recording
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Session Resources
- Keynote presentation in Google Presentation and annotatable PDF formats.